Friday, September 13, 2013

Things You Didn't Know You Needed...

If you've read my last few posts, the theme is that babies need A LOT of stuff...Seriously...

There are a few essentials I never even knew I needed until I became a Mama!  Hopefully this post will help some new Mamas out there.  :)

1.  Changing Pad Covers/Liners
So everybody knows you need a changing pad and a cover for the changing pad.  But did you know that you need a COVER for the changing pad cover?  Well, YES you do.  It's super important.  I learned this on the first day home from the hospital.  We had just gotten home from the hospital, and I put Reed down on our brand new, darling, personalized Pottery Barn changing pad and he PEES all over it.  Needless to say, he has gone #1, #2, and #8 ALL OVER the changing pad cover on a regular basis.  So, yes, you NEED covers/liners for the changing pad covers.  Actually, go ahead and get 2 packs.

2.  Extra Long iPhone Charger
During the first 3 months of Reed's life, I spent an average of six hours per day in the glider nursing my sweet baby.  My phone went dead FAST playing Candy Crush and checking Facebook.  Invest in a nice, super long iPhone cord to keep your mobile device charged up!

3.  Burp Cloths...TONS of them
Fortunately, I got bunches of adorable, personalized burp cloths at my baby showers.  I remember thinking to myself, "why do I need so many of these 'little towels'?"  Well, it turns out that babies spit up A LOT.  Therefore, you need tons of burp cloths.  All shapes and sizes are a good idea!  Here are a few of my faves:
-Aden & Anais Bamboo Burpy Bibs
-Personalized Etsy burp cloths
-Homemade Burp cloths!

4.  Exercise Ball 

It's not for crunches anymore...Baby boy LOVES to bounce.  We bounce on the ball to calm him down or get him to fall asleep at night.  It works miracles!  Also, if I need to talk on the phone, I'll bounce while talking, and Reed is perfectly happy.  Nursing and bouncing is his all time favorite.  :)

5.  Desitin
We got lots of Desitin at the baby shower.  I never realized you use Desitin EVERY TIME you change baby's diaper.  Yep.  It's not to "cure" diaper rash...It's to PREVENT diaper rash.  Who knew?

This is a very random list, I know...However, I hope it helps you as you prepare for little one or buy a baby shower gift!  Happy shopping!

Please tell...what item didn't you know you needed?  I'd love to add it to my list?  Add a comment or e-mail me at, and let me know what surprising item needs to be added to this list! :)

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